Section: Linux Programmer's Manual (7)
Updated: 2000-11-16
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suffixes - list of file suffixes  


It is customary to indicate the contents of a file with the file suffix, which consists of a period, followed by one or more letters. Many standard utilities, such as compilers, use this to recognize the type of file they are dealing with. The make(1) utility is driven by rules based on file suffix.

Following is a list of suffixes which are likely to be found on a Linux system.

SuffixFile type

backup file

C++ source code, equivalent to .cc

Fortran source with cpp(1) directives
or file compressed using freeze

assembler source with cpp(1) directives

file compressed using yabba

file compressed using compress(1)

TeX generic font files

TeX packed font files

manual page for the corresponding section

manual page for section plus subsection

static object code library

X application default resource file

Ada source (may be body, spec, or combination)

Ada body source

Ada spec source

PostScript font metrics

Perl autoload file

automake(1) input file

arc(1) archive

arj(1) archive

PGP ASCII-armored data

(GNU) assembler source file

Audio sound file

LaTeX auxiliary file

(msvideo) movie

AWK language program

LILO boot loader image

backup file

bash(1) shell script

basic block list data produced by
gcc -ftest-coverage

basic block graph data produced by
gcc -ftest-coverage

BibTeX output

X font file

TeX bibliographic database, BibTeX input

bitmap source


file compressed using bzip2(1)

C source

message catalog files

C++ source

configuration file

configuration file

WWW content generating script or program

LaTeX Class definition

Java compiled byte-code

configuration file

configuration file

equivalent to .cc

csh(1) shell script

equivalent to .cc

data file

Debian software package

Modula-2 source for definition modules

other definition files

initial part of mail message unpacked with

file differences (diff(1) command output)

dbm data base directory file

documentation file

Debian Source Control (source package)

LaTeX package source file

TeX's device independent output

Emacs-Lisp source

compiled Emacs-Lisp source

encapsulated PostScript

Expect source code

Fortran source

Fortran 77 source

Fortran 90 source

precompiled Common-Lisp

Fortran include files

FIG image file (used by xfig(1))

TeX format file

Compuserve Graphics Image File format

GNU format message catalog

Ghostscript fonts

file compressed using gzip(1)

C or C++ header files

help file

equivalent to .help

equivalent to .help

poor man's .html

HTML document used with the World Wide Web

7-bit encoded Macintosh file

C source after preprocessing

bitmap source

reference or datum-index file for hypertext
or database system

bitmap source

configuration template, especially for GNU Autoconf

files for the Emacs info browser

split info files

LaTeX package install file for docstrip

itcl source code;
itcl ([incr Tcl]) is an OO extension of tcl

a Java source file

Joint Photographic Experts Group format

poor man's .jpeg

lyx(1) keymap

equivalent to .lex or .lisp

lex(1) or flex(1) files

lharc archive

Common-Lisp library

Lisp source

files for use with lint(1)

log file, in particular produced by TeX

Linux Software Map entry

Common-Lisp source

lharc archive

Objective-C source code

m4(1) source

macro files for various programs

manual page (usually source rather than formatted)

map files for various programs

Nroff source using the me macro package

Metafont (font generator for TeX) source

MagicPoint file

sources for groff(1) in mm - format

Message catalog binary file

Modula-2 source for implementation modules

(quicktime) movie

Metapost source

MPEG Layer 2 (audio) file

MPEG Layer 3 (audio) file

movie file

object file

old or backup file

backup (original) version of a file, from patch(1)

output file, often executable program (a.out)

Pascal source

dbm data base data file

file differences for patch(1)

portable bitmap format

X11 font files

Adobe Portable Data Format
(use Acrobat/acroread or xpdf)

Perl source (see .ph, .pl and .pm)

PostScript font definition files, ASCII format

PostScript font definition files, binary format

portable greymap format

PGP binary data

Perl header file

PHP program file

PHP3 program file

File to store daemon PID (e.g.,

TeX property list file or Perl library file

Perl module

Portable Network Graphics file

Message catalog source

perldoc(1) file

portable pixmap format

bitmap source

PostScript file

Python source

compiled python

quicktime movie

RATFOR source (obsolete)

patches that patch(1) couldn't apply

RPM software package

Rich Text Format file

rules for something

assembler source

stub libraries for a.out shared libraries

sc(1) spreadsheet commands

Scheme source code

sed source file

SGML source file

sh(1) scripts

archive created by the shar(1) utility

Shared library or dynamically loadable object

SQL source

SQML schema or query program

LaTeX style files

Modula-2 compiled definition modules

archive created by the tar(1) utility

tar(1) archive compressed with compress(1)

tar(1) archive compressed with bzip2(1)

tar(1) archive compressed with gzip(1)

tar(1) archive compressed with compress(1)

tcl source code

TeX or LaTeX source

equivalent to .texinfo

Texinfo documentation source

text file

TeX font metric file

tar archive compressed with gzip(1)

poor man's .tiff

Tagged Image File Format

tcl/tk script

temporary file

template files

equivalent to .text

equivalent to .uue

binary file encoded with uuencode(1)

TeX virtual font file

TeX virtual property list file

Silvio Levi's CWEB

wave sound file

Donald Knuth's WEB

Source file for Web Meta Language

X11 bitmap source

GIMP graphic

eXtended Markup Language file

X11 pixmap source

Perl xsub file produced by h2xs

XSL stylesheet

yacc(1) or bison(1) (parser generator) files

File compressed using pack(1) (or an old gzip(1))

zip(1) archive

zoo(1) archive

Emacs or patch(1) backup file

startup (`run control') file, e.g., .newsrc


General UNIX conventions.  


This list is not exhaustive.  


file(1), make(1)




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